Sunday, August 2, 2009


the israeli govt recently evicted 2 palestinian families, 50 people,those are some big families, who had apparantly occupied the residences in east jerusalem for about 50 years and let so called settlers take them over. this is bullshit. the settler movement, to the extent that it has or had legitimacy was to settle the wilderness; jerusalem aint no wilderness or kibutz.

i think jimmy carter is an asshole but this smacks of non violent ethnic cleansing. the settler movement will be the death of israel, it is corrosive and hypocritical. it will alienate its allies and make it harder for america to support israel. these settlements will not make israel stronger, it will make it weaker.

i dont believe that peace in the middle east is necessarily possible or inevitable or even required; but while israel needs to be strong, always; it also doesnt need to give grounds to its friends and enemies. its actions need to match its words. it needs to draw its own unilateral lines and then conform to those lines. it may be afraid of its own fundementalists but they are as crazy as the arab fundementalists and letting ones destiny be determined by fanatics is rarely a good thing.

i shouldnt have to say this but i am jewish and a strong supporter of israel

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