will the democrats snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory? on the front page of the la times today (i know, not a great source) were two bookend, top of the crease articles. one about some democrats attacking the deal obama cut with the pharma industry. the other about a govenment reccomendation against mammogram frequency.
obama shrewdly cut a deal with one of the most powerful lobbys in healthcare. it took them out of the dialogue. blow up the deal and they will wade in. really stupid
mammograms? well in theory this was an objective finding but counter intuitive and an incredibly personal and emotional issue. i think many people, men and woman will not like this and cause them to be more anti government, thus more anti healthcare bill
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
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pride always comes before the fall. this president, oh ever-so-clever, is not the sage people think he is. in attempts to achieve his final objective he may very well be stepping on his own two feet.
it is important to remember one thing about obama: everything he is attempting to do is totally in line with his way of thinking. his final outcome is and always will be the "remaking" of america...a new era...one called "postwar america." he truly believes he is the one to change america, come hell or high water, and he champions the likes of all other socialists.
at some point his hubris will catch up with him. yes, he is an historical president, and not because he is black....but because he will go down in history as the worst president america ever had. the phrase "jimmy carter stupidity" is apt.
rationing mammograms? is this where all this is headed? get a good look at what the healthcare reform is about as everything will be rationed.
not to worry about death panels however. this was already passed, attached to the stimulus bill. check it out.
u cite 2 examples here. first, how bureacrats manage to wheel and deal, and buy out others. oh washington, when will u wake up and see that americans are tired of the b.s.?
2nd, how government mucks up everything and then starts back tracking. mammograms what? who said that? well, this is just a panel...etc. they are already implementing c.y.a.
let's face it, we the people no longer have a voice anymore. when the majority of us do not want this stinkbomb healthcare bill and they in washington totally ignore us, then for the first time one can see what lies ahead for america. it is mind boggling. and flat scary how far these people will go.
we need this reform now. obama is the only one who can get this for us. and america is goingto be better for it, let the ricch fat cats pay now.
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