Thursday, December 10, 2009


so the senate figured out that there was opposition to the "public option". so lets just change its name. they got rid of the public option and replaced it with medicare for everyone aged 55 and above. now medicare was basically broke already so what is adding 10 more years of lives to a broke system, a good hunk of the baby boom generation, myself included, into medicare. its the public option by another name.



Anonymous said...

there is a research company that tracks rush limbaugh's analysis/predictions. they have just released the figures on how many times he has been correct....a stagering 99.5% of the time!

why bring this up? because rush's take on the senate dropping the public option is and remains the same since this healthcare debate started: it is by design. meaning, by dropping the public option, taxing those who have no insurance,increased medicare, private insurance will eventually be driven out of business, the masses will look to the government as their savior and go for public option....thus, socialized medicine. by design.

99.5% correct...let's see if rush has it right. i will bet on him.

rjcontractor said...

I heard the same thing about that company that tracks liberals and conservatives. I have also heard his analysis and at first (many months ago) said what? by design?

I saw him on Shatner's Raw Nerve and when he was asked "how do you know this?" Rush's response was "it is my job, it is what I do for a living."

99.5% correct is indeed staggering. And like Rush, and Raben, and millions of other Americans, the true Democratic intent is seen on healthcare reform.

Sadly, by the time this is all over, it will be too late. Once government steps in, they never recede.