Sunday, February 28, 2010


the US and the world reacted quickly and significantly to help haiti after its earthquake. this was the humanitarian thing to do. we now need to do the same for chile. haiti was pure humanitarian. it is strategically irrelevant. chile is in need also. but it is a developed country. all the more reason to support it. with the exception of brazil, it is maybe the only other democratic, capitalistic country on the whole continent, a continent significantly under the sway of chavez with his followers in bolivia and peru. chile deserves our humanitarian support and but also it is strategic.


Anonymous said...

you have 2 know why haiti got so much attention. obama will do anything for blacks, and no, this is not a racist statement. look at his track record. look at michele's. if you truly check it out, you will see it is so.

truckster9 said...

At a dinner party Sat night, talking w/ 2 drs, 1 scientist, 1 school teacher. All talked about the limited help to Chili, and unlimited help to Haiti. 3 of them concluded the same as anonymous. the 4th thought they were racist for their conclusions...and everybody got in a huff. Funny thing, not one of us donated to either cause. We don't trust our government to get the money to these people. Real progress ah?

dmw409 said...

Perhaps one could argue that Obama is for blacks. Not an insane argument at all. Even though one could counter that he is half-white, he considers himself "black" racially. And of course, his wife, children, associates, Valerie, Van Jones, Jeremiah Wright..
But I firmly believe that he has been mis-educated. America is the bad guy, we should give all our wealth to the poor, pay for those who have been robbed in life, etc. Clearly socialist views, while remaining elite himself.
Chile is not oppressed like Haiti, nor does it have the blacks like Haiti. Perfect combo for Obama's background and ideology.