Saturday, April 17, 2010


while many of us are operating under the assumption that the cloud over europe is an annoyance that will dissipate soon, this might not be the case. first of all the volcano might just keep erupting away for 2 years! second this is a baby volcano, sometimes connected to eruptions from Katla, a big mother volcano.

what might this mean? we should all think this thru but i would be selling airline stocks. this affects our whole global system. there are flowers grown in kenya bound for london that aint going to london. food, drugs ( was thinking legal here but maybe bad for drug cartels also) anything and everything that flies in and out of europe. should lower EU growth, bad for euro versus the dollar. bad for DHL; got to be bad for some insurance companies. companies are going to invoke force majeure clauses, claiming acts of god for non- performance of contracts. its going to be a mess. maybe go long cruise line stocks. we can travel between london and new york by ship; slow the pace down a little

maybe we will look back on this a major event in history that we didnt take seriously at first.

what should we do? well i think we should nuke iceland. here we have this little pissant island that borrowed billions and gambled it away and went broke and then did a reverse haiti; it destroyed europe!

what does goldman have to do with this? nothing. other than its probably their fault. they probably created a synthetic cdo that was long europe and airline stocks and sold credit default swaps against it and figured out how to trigger the volcano.

they are the next pinata. karmic payback for a bunch a greedy motherfuckers.


Anonymous said...

you raise serious points, and at the same time are quite humorous. i applaud this blog, gives me great pause for concern.

love iceland by the way....;my friend has been stuck at hadrian's wall for 6 days...all because of the synthetic cdo by goldmann. another hilarious projection. you and i know goldmann personnel intimately...and i am not impressed one bit by his ass.

i think you are on a roll rergarding this blog. good job.

litsag1 said...

i concur that this is a funny take on the situation. i don't think iceland is totally europe's problem. europe has created its own problems, moving closer and closer to socialism.

if we were to nuke iceland, then the global warming freaks would go even more bananas.
no winning that one.

regarding goldmann...delightfully humorous. what is not funny though is that greed has now become common. meaning everyday attitude. it has invaded and permeated american society, even down to the little guy.

i stood in the post office line to get my taxes in...a pakistani man was behind me, attempting to use next day air express. we struck up a conversation and i told him that even next day air would be too late, just get in postmarked and send it priority. he informed me that no, he was going to send it next day air express because....get this...they never get it there by 12 noon, and therefore, he gets a total refund and his package will still arrive at 3 pm instead. he said he does this all the time. foreigners know how to use the system as well as the corporate greedy mf's

Anonymous said...

Goldmann Sachs is now on the hot seat. Ironic isn't it? They gave more money than anyone to Obama's campaign...and now the hand is biting back. Let's face it. Goldmann lost billions doing the long mortgages, but this presidential jackass wants to teach the financial market a lesson, and GS will be the whipping post.

Interesting that the money received from GS was not tainted enough for Obama to give back, unlike Abramson.

Don't get me wrong, I know there is corruption, it is everywhere. But this is NO coincidence what Obama is pulling now. Interesting that the SEC is in his pocket also.

God help America.

bruce's blog said...

i like iceland too. i thought instead of just being a boring scold, i would try some humorous absurdity.
