Wednesday, September 29, 2010


taking a cue from jonathan swift, i have come up with a solution to both our energy and healthcare problems.

my eureka moment came during a recent visit to Memphis Tennessee. i was staying at the weston and when i check in i was in line behind 2 couples who were so large that they blocked all view of the front desk.

i then went into the elevator and it had a sign on maximum number of people and maximum weight. if you divided the two, it called for an average weight of about 167 lbs. however looking around, the average looked around 250.

i then went to the gym and was the only person there, two days in a row.

so it re-emphasized that we are one fat assed nation!

so here is my idea

we will have mandatory liposuction for all overweight people
the fat will be rendered and distilled into a fuel

this will result in a healthier population and a new fuel source. more people will fit in elevators, plane fares will come down as weight will be lower and fuel costs per flight lower; plastic surgeons will make enormous money and spend it on fancy cars and restaurants and clothes.

a virtuous circle.


Anonymous said...

you know, some people r so fat that lipo doesn't cut pun intended...cutting off the fat is necessary for some individuals.

by the way, what type of fuel would human fat cells make? maybe if we cut out all liberal brains we can make a fine goo for generations to come.

Anonymous said...

i've always known behind the sarcasm there has always been a funny brain, even clever at times.

sometimes you actually show flairs of genius. i am impressed.