Monday, November 1, 2010


election day is tommorow. what will happen and what will it mean.

well it looks like the republicans will take the House, bye nancy; and the dems will hold the senate but only like 52-48 and reid may lose, bye harry.

prop 19 probably fails but smoking grass will become like a traffic ticket.

anyhow, the republicans will be talking about their mandate and as usual, when people think they have mandates, they will get it wrong and overreach.

some wise politician once said its about the economy stupid and that is alot of what is going on here. while it is true that the economy blew up under bush, obama has had 2 years to be effective and hasnt been. the stimulus didnt stimulate, and the war on business and capital combined with the incredible diversion of time and political capital to achieve a pyrrhic victory on healthcare leave us with high unemployement, low growth, and the banks and big business on the sidelines and voters pissed off

so this is very off with their heads, throw the bums out; as opposed to boy i have faith in the republican party or the tea party.

now there was a golden age for a short time when clinton was in the white house and newt controlled congress but i dont think thats what will happen here. not clear what can be accomplished with a republican congress with a pseudo mandate and clueless democrats and a class warfare president; but if something isnt, then the anger being directed at democrats will be shared with the republicans

wish em luck

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