Monday, February 28, 2011


the likelihood of me agreeing with anything with name obama on it is low. however michelle obama's initiative for healthier eating for kids, and presumably everyone is a no brainer. we are experiencing a healthcare crisis as regards health and paying for it.

so much of healthcosts are lifestyle driven. take obesity and type 2 diabetes, totally lifestyle driven

the right is attacking her under some odd big brother theory. they are wrong

we all need to get our act together and eat better, exercise more

my first and probably last pro obama endorsement


Anonymous said...

i would probably not have a problem with michelle's initiative except for the fact that she does NOT follow it herself. come on...she and her daughters were eating huge pork ribs the other day with mashed potatoes, etc. she went to new orleans and ate the same way...and continued the same in her overseas trip. she is a fraud when it comes to setting examples....flying in a pizza chef from chicago..what next?
regarding the "big brother" theory, if you read obama's playbook by saul lewinsky you will see that the right gets exactly what obama is about.

if you watch obama closely you will see whil he is throwing 8 balls in the air at one time and everyone out there (republicans) are busy trying to catch one, 7 more are flying while he destroys this country.

and my friend, once this county is gone as we know it, it is not coming back. it will be gone.

the obamas have their hands in everything....everything...and the right understands. to hell with her and her diet. who really cares? i care that a tomato is 3.99 a pound and bread is 3 a loaf.

Anonymous said...

Michele's grace at the dinner table:
"Dear Lord. bless this peanut butter as it passes thru my lips. and please make sure it doesn't stick to my hips....oh dear back ribs!!! may the fat get fatter, Amen Oh, P.S. please help me learn the steps to the cow cow boogie so I'z can show off at the next White House gala...
thank yo Lord and Jeremiah!!!!"