Sunday, August 28, 2011


it is hard enough to predict the weather without politicizing it. but thats just what happened with Irene. mayor bloomberg got tagged for not being prepared for last winters snow and didnt want to get tagged again; so he was ultra conservative and he is an opinion leader. then chris christy needed to show who was the man; then last we had obama who didnt want Irene to become his Katrina which led him to say to the american people that Irene was going to be a historic hurricane!

this led to fine american cities, like boston to shut down their mass transit systems which in essence shut down the city with nothing but light rain and a little wind. much to do about nothing

aint politics grand?


Andy Butler said...

Criticizing politicians for being human seems like the favorite sport for Americans these days. With Katrina fresh in people's memories, where hundreds needlessly died, politicians over-reacted by making sure there was not a repeat incident. Why is this shocking? Why is this such a bad thing? Why is having people stay at home in Boston, NYC and Newark for a day or two, a sign of cynical political manipulation? Its not cynical for politicians to want to please the electorate and not play Russian roulette with emergencies such as hurricanes. Which brings me to my original point: why do Americans criticize their politicians from the sidelines as if they had nothing to do with electing them. Why are Americans shocked when politicians do things to ensure their own re-election? Own up America! We deserve the politicians we elect. Politicians play to the majority of folks that bother to go to the polls and vote. That's democracy. If you don't like the direction the nation is headed in, then do something like get involved.

Anonymous said...

i agree with being prepared, even if overly.

but i do not believe that bruce sits on the sidelines and just criticizes. and for sure he is involved.

democracy is govt by the people and for the people. our politicians are way off, with a majority representing their own greedy interests.

bruce said...

i agree mostly with my friend andy. especially about we deserve the politicians we elect. that is why i recently joined the board of Americas Elect

check it out