Monday, June 17, 2013


so after bill Clinton called him a wuss, Obama claimed the red line on chemical weapons had been crossed and he would now "arm" some of the syrian opposition. of course he was talking light arms when the other buy has tanks and planes. as Brzezinski called it; "propaganda. 90,000 odd people have died in syria to date and know that 150 have died from chemical weapons, he sends hand guns. thats leadership. it sort of too late. there was a huge opportunity to break up the iran, syria, hezbollah axis two years ago. now there are iranians, hezbollah, russian arms, sectarian violence, al queda. a mess. moving right along. Iran just elected at "moderate"; huzzahs! now does anybody believe that the iranian people elected a moderate? really? the place is run by the clerics. and this was a brilliant tactical move. because the Israelis don't fuck around and they would have attacked eventually. now the US and Europe will force them to stand down while this moderate smiles at us and the centrifuges whirl away. have a nice day

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