Thursday, May 29, 2014


Brandeis uninvited Ayaan Hirsi Ali from receiving an honorary degree recently. the reason given was she had said some mean things about Islam. one phrase was "a destructive, nihilistic cult of death". another talked about being at war or going to war with Islam.

a few thoughts. first, this woman has a Wikipedia page and tons of press. she does happen to be a refugee from Somalia and is a former PM in the Dutch parliament. not shabby credentials. but anything she said in the past was in the public record so those geniuses at Brandeis could have read such and maybe not invited her in the first place. it is bad form to invite and then rescind.

but going further. i am not sure she was far off; at least about the nihilistic cult of death part. not much after this affair there are two major events that juxtapose nicely

in Pakistan, i woman was stoned to death in from of a court house by her family for marry a man that she loved instead of going into an arranged marriage to her cousin. to make it even more perverse, her husband had killed his prior wife 6 years ago so as to be free to marry Farzana Parveen. how sick is that

then in Sudan, Meriam Yehva Ibrahim was sentenced to death for being Christian. death. for claiming to be something other than Muslim as her father was muslim and that apparently defines her under Sharia law

so the sensitive, little liberals at Brandeis chased away a champion of women's rights while the Islam she denounces stoned one woman and sentenced another to death. do the women of Brandeis have any idea what their lives would be like under Sharia law?

very disheartening

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